Your Rates Say More About Your DJ Business Than You Think…

Discover Exactly How Much to Charge for Your DJ Services... and How to Avoid the Biggest Pricing Mistakes Your Competitors Are Making


How to Charge What You're Really Worth

Setting prices for your DJ service can be confusing and intimidating. Most DJs don’t know what they’re really worth … and end up charging far less than they could earn. 

In this free guide, 3 Steps to On-Point DJ Pricing: How to Charge What You're Really Worth, Mary Nisi, founder of Chicago’s top DJ company, Toast & Jam DJs, will take you through all the essentials for pinpointing your truth worth. Discover what it really takes to name -- and get -- your price:

  • Identify and break down the massive value you bring to an event -- and use that to your advantage. (Most DJs cave easily when customers ask for a discount or start to negotiate. But you’ll stand strong once you’re clear on your value.)
  • Find the pricing sweet spot for your market … and avoid the biggest mistake DJ businesses make with their pricing. (Say goodbye to leaving money on the table and hello to bigger profit margins.)
  • Gain the confidence you need to charge what you’re worth -- and get paid every penny. (Having conversations about price will be a breeze once you unlock these secrets.)
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